
When the mouth closes, the upper front teeth overhang the lower front teeth, a condition known as an overbite. A modest overbite is typical; however, a deep overbite, with extensive overlap, can cause a variety of dental and health problems.
Overbites can be induced by genetics, excessive thumb sucking, dummy use, nail biting, or tongue thrusting. In rare cases, jaw misalignment or missing teeth can exacerbate the issue. Symptoms may include difficulties eating, speech problems, jaw pain, excessive tooth wear, and a higher risk of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. In severe circumstances, overbites can result in gum damage and an uneven facial look.
We use a dental examination, X-rays, and bite analysis to determine the diagnosis. Treatment options differ according to severity and age. Mild cases may require basic orthodontic treatments such as dental braces or clear aligners, whereas severe overbites may necessitate jaw realignment with orthodontic tools or even surgery. Early intervention in youngsters frequently yields greater results.
Maintaining excellent oral hygiene and visiting the dentist on a regular basis can help manage and prevent an overbite from deteriorating. Proper treatment can improve function, reduce problems, and improve overall oral appearance.