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Entropion is a medical disease in which the lower eyelid turns inward, causing the eyelashes and skin to rub against the surface of the eye. If not addressed, this can cause irritation, discomfort, and even corneal injury.
Entropion can be caused by many things, such as weak eyelid muscles that come with getting older, scars from injuries or infections, birth defects, or underlying diseases like trachoma. Muscle spasms and past procedures may also play a role in the illness.
Entropion symptoms include redness, irritation, excessive tearing, light sensitivity, and the sensation of something in the eye. Prolonged contact between the eyelashes and the eye can cause corneal abrasions or ulcers, resulting in reduced vision.
Treatment Options:
Treatment options for mild cases include lubricating eye drops, ointments, or temporary eyelid tape. In more severe situations, surgery is typically required to properly realign the eyelid. Prompt treatment is critical for avoiding long-term problems, including corneal damage or infection.
If you have signs of entropion, see an eye professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment.