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Understanding Choroidal Nevus, A Common Eye Condition.
Choroidal nevus is a benign (non-cancerous) development that arises in the eye's choroid layer, which is located between the retina and sclera. Choroidal nevi are rather common and usually do not cause serious vision impairment.
Features of Choroidal Nevus
Appearance: Choroidal nevi are typically flat or slightly elevated spots of pigment in the back of the eye, frequently brown or greyish in color.
The posterior part of the eye, close to the optic nerve or macula, is typically home to these nevi.
Symptoms: Choroidal nevi typically do not produce symptoms and may go unnoticed until a routine eye exam detects them.
Causes and Risk Factors
Choroidal nevi are typically congenital, meaning they are present at birth, but they can also develop later in life.
Monitoring & Treatment
While most choroidal nevi are innocuous, regular eye exams are required to detect any changes, as a tiny number can develop into malignant melanoma. If we detect no major changes, we don't need to treat. However, if changes occur, additional examination and intervention may be necessary.
Regular eye examinations are critical for maintaining eye health and discovering diseases such as choroidal nevus early.